What the Rav said:
Rabbenu writes at the beginning of Lesson 64 of Likutei Moharan, “Hashem Yitbarach, because of His mercy, created the world”.
Hashem wanted to reveal his mercy, to show people how merciful He is and how good He is.
If there was no creation of the world, then who could He show his mercy to?
So, Hashem has a will and desire, so-to-speak, to reveal His mercy, so that everyone will know how good He is and how merciful He is, and that’s why He created the world.
So, how can a person come to say that there is bad in the world? How can a person come to say that the world is bad to him, if all the creation was only to reveal His mercy?
My thoughts:
Hashem wanted to reveal His mercy, so he created the world.
That means that Hashem really, really, wants to reveal His mercy – otherwise, He wouldn’t have created the world.
So, if Hashem really, really, wants to reveal His mercy, then what are you waiting for?
Hashem has so much mercy, so much awesome, unbelievable, endless mercy and He's just waiting to reveal it to you!
So, what are you waiting for?
Why not let Hashem reveal some of His mercy to you!
I don’t know who will be more happy, you or Hashem (so to speak)!
‘Poteach et yadecha, v’masbiah lechol chai ratzon’ – we have to open our hands and ask for Hashem to show us His mercy (and, He really wants us to do that!)